Worklog. Weekly update 29.08–04.09

Cellframe Platform
3 min readSep 7, 2022


Worklog. Weekly update 29.08–04.09

Cellframe Dashboard

🌟 We improved the dashboard interface:

  • Fixed indents, fonts.

🌟 Added new features:

  • The “Linked” feature on the Settings page rejects all connection requests from Web3 when activated.
  • The “Trim amount” feature was added to the transaction histories on the Wallet and TX Explorer pages, as well as for the “Price” value on the DEX page. Now the full amount appears as a popup when you hover the mouse cursor.

🌟 Improved right panels:

  • Corrected the animation;
  • Added new information to the right-side popup panels that appear when an operation is complete (such as creating a wallet or certificate): when an error occurs, its description is displayed;
  • Added two new icons which indicate whether or not the operation is successful;

🌟 Changed the minimum height of the application to 720 pixels (the dashboard forms have changed accordingly).

Staking Platform

🌟 The following features are now implemented:

  • Connecting to the dashboard
  • Receiving all of the user’s wallets from the dashboard
  • Obtaining all single-token staking transactions for the selected wallet
  • Creating single-token staking transactions
  • Pop-up notifications about connection status and errors
  • Modal windows for interacting with single-token staking functionality (selecting a wallet, sending a single-token staking transaction)

🌟 We fixed a number of bugs and vulnerabilities.
🌟 We continue to work on the UX/UI-design.

LP Pairs and Staking

We continue to prepare the release of LP-pair staking. Now we are fixing the vulnerabilities that were found during the audit of the code. Until QA approves the product, we will repeat the cycle «Development ‌ — Testing — Development».

All consensus problems have been solved. Some issues came up with the mempool processing policy, but as soon as those are resolved we will announce single-token staking.


The majority of our efforts are concentrated on the launch of the mainnet. We are getting everything prepared so that people can start setting up their own master node.

For this we are in the process of finishing a special verifier for conditional transactions, which will be used for single-token staking and for delegating keys to master nodes.

A plugin for the AVReStream protocol

This plugin is designed for both corporate projects and public tools like ConfCall.

It also works well for content delivery (like YouTube, for example), for video-on-demand, live streaming, or any kind of multistreaming. The plugin also works as an engine for building decentralized multimedia apps.

‌The AVReStream plugin will be a universal service that will allow users to receive passive income: masternodes will be able to run it from the t-dApps library and earn from it. And developers will have access to a large library for creating t-dApps.


We are migrating to a new smart contract for the BEP20 tokens, because of changes in our tokenomics, and because we want to reduce fees.

A website for migration will be available for you to use if you hold BEP20 tokens. Or, if you have LP pairs, then you can just stake them and they will migrate automatically.

LP-pair migration

LP-pairs from previous versions (Pancake v1, Uniswap v2) will migrate to v3 for Uniswap, v3 for PancakeSwap.

Cellframe useful links:

🧩 Main Cellframe site
🧩 Documentation: Running node, SDK, Dashboard and DAP
🧩 Youtube Live
🧩 Run a Cellframe node on Raspberry



Cellframe Platform
Cellframe Platform

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